Saturday, October 1, 2011

Word to the wise....

Call me crazy, but.....

If you show up with bloodshot eyes, stumbling, and a giant pot-leaf tattoo on your leg with a dog who has the clinical appearance of marijuana toxicity, I'm pretty sure it's marijuana.  I'm also pretty sure it's NOT from your neighbor throwing pot over the fence.....

Then, when you try to "prove" to me that it's not marijuana by showing me the 15 $100 bills in your wallet, you've only proven that you're a dealer, too.

And after I show you the positive urine drug test for MARIJUANA, you still don't agree with my diagnosis?  Okay, cool, man. I'll trust the stoner over the veterinarian any day.  It's totally something else.

1 comment:

  1. Why in God's name do they all claim that the pot was thrown over the fence by the neighbors? Who do these people live next to???
